Reporting Panel

Serial Indicators 10-14 years 15-19 years Marital Status
Male Female Male Female Married Unmarried
1. No. of married and unmarried adolescent girls using sanitary napkin 0 460347 0 888512 294066 786962
2. No. of Adolescent referred from Adolescent clubs & others 21310 31495 27793 61192 0 0
3. No. of Adolescent referred from Educational Institute 53324 74799 72227 106917 0 0
4. No. of Adolescents measured as an under-weight 59805 96079 66214 136116 64444 200028
5. No. of Adolescents received Counselling for RTI/STI 353391 487952 772585 756668 302633 1236484
6. No. of Adolescents received Counselling for the changes during puberty or Adolescents period 388362 553030 435123 834972 0 0
7. No. of adolescents received Iron and Folic acid 0 595007 0 1346653 371494 920459
8. No. of adolescent boys and girls received services from facility 619558 853945 685598 1330355 562806 2499821
9. No. of adolescents received treatment for RTI/STI 164401 246527 192713 379966 168227 534511
10. No. of Adolescents who knows about legal age of marriage 326308 454078 443453 840259 0 0
11. No. of adolescent boys and girls who knows about legal age of marriage (10-14 years) 0 0 64919 234641 0 0